Self Expression

Self expression is how people show their true identity. Every human on the planet is unique. I believe it is important to show your uniqueness and display the gift of being yourself proudly. Humans, as a species, are so full of individuality. If we were to stop expressing ourselves, we would all mold into each other. Everybody would be indistinguishable, boring, mindless bodies walking around Earth. I personally self-express by doing what makes me happy. Whether it be my hair, nails, clothes, makeup, or jewelry, I will always do what feels true to me, and I never listen to what people have to say about me. I will take inspiration from others, but I never copy anyone or try to be someone I’m not. I pride myself on standing out, and I make it a priority in my day-to-day life. I also express myself on stage with Theatre. For me, it is a good way to express my creativity and passion for entertaining.

My self-expression in song form

We R Who We R by Kesha

We R Who We R is one of my favorite Kesha songs. The song embodies self expression and embracing yourself exactly how you are. Kesha told interviewers, “I wanted to inspire people … to be themselves. It’s a celebration of any sort of quirks or eccentricities.” When I hear this song, I think about queer youth. Self expression is very important to many young, queer people, because starting from a young age, it is implied by society that they should be kept in boxes and conform to silly standards. This song makes me want to be myself unapologetically. When I heard this song live, I danced like I have never danced before and felt immensely free and liberated. The part of this song most important to me is, “I’m so sick of bein’ so serious, It’s makin’ my brain delirious” This lyric reminds me to not take life too seriously. Everything is temporary, and I live to make myself happy.

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”
Martha Graham

One thought on “Self Expression

  1. I also self-express through hair, makeup, clothes, etc; I feel that I am my best self when my hair is done or when I have good clothes on.

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